Fall 2018              

Class hours: Mondays 13.20-15.10, Tuesdays 09.20-11.10

Rooms: RA03 & NA01

Instructor: Ezgi Tuna, Ph.D.

E-mail:                  Office: R-306 (by appointment)


Required Textbook:

Brannon, L., Feist, J., & Updegraff, J. A. (2013). Health psychology: An introduction to behavior and health. Cengage Learning.

Supplementary Textbook:

Taylor, S. E. (2015). Health Psychology. McGraw-Hill.


Course Description

This course is intended for senior year psychology majors. It is designed to provide students an overview of biopsychosocial and behavioral aspects of health, illness, and wellness. Course topics will cover major concepts in the field including health behaviors, seeking medical attention, treatment adherence, stress and coping, and behavior change. Furthermore, throughout this course we will also explore psychological and behavioral factors associated with pain, chronic and terminal illnesses.


Course Objectives

By the end of the course, it is aimed that students:

1. Acquire basic knowledge about health psychology, and to be able to apply concepts, theories, and research to everyday life and society,

2. Articulate and interpret research findings in the field, and develop a critical understanding of the major methods of research,

3. Have an increased awareness of psychological and psychosocial factors in the development of illness,

4. Develop an understanding of the major roles health psychologists play in disease prevention and health promotion,

5. Develop basic skills for lifestyle change, and be able to formulate hypothetical intervention/treatment plans that aim to promote health and wellness,

6. Show sensitivity to individual differences, especially differences based on culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic or disability status, and understand how these factors may contribute to health and treatment outcomes.


Learning Environment

The format of this course is composed of lecture, presentations, class discussions, and group projects. Lectures will be supplemented with video clips, case examples, and related materials from the media. Students are expected to read the assigned readings before the class and contribute to class discussions. I highly value your opinions and questions, so please feel free to contribute your thoughts and reactions to the course material. Health psychology is a highly relevant area to all of us; so you may also contribute examples from real-life experiences.


Requirements and Grading

1. Attendance:

Because part of materials we will cover will not be in the textbook, it is important that you attend classes regularly. If you are late to class more than 10 minutes, do not enter the classroom; but you are very welcome to attend the second class hour. If you must miss a class, let me know beforehand (if possible) by sending me an e-mail, and provide medical report if you have a health-related excuse.


2. In-class exams (35% + 45%):

One mid-term and one final exam will be administered. The midterm exam will cover the material included in the previous weeks and will constitute 35% of your final grade. The final exam will be cumulative including questions on all lecture materials and book chapters covered throughout the semester. Your final exam grade will make up 45% of your final grade. Both exams will include multiple choice questions.


4. Group project & presentation (20%):

During the semester, students are expected to form groups of five and prepare a project on the assigned topic relevant to the course material. Projects may include conducting an interview, raising a campaign to increase public awareness, a case analysis, conducting an observation or a survey etc. (be creative!).


Presentations will be composed of four major parts; namely, (1) Description of the topic w/ relevant background information; (2) The aims of the group project and how it is relevant to the subject; 3) Results of the project and discussion. You are supposed to submit the summary of your project on the day of your presentation (max. 3 1,5-spaced pages). You are going to receive a grade based on the quality of your project, your presentation, project summary and your overall effort.


Project topics are:

  1. Stigma, Inequality and Health; 2) Research in Health Psychology; 3) Seeking and Receiving Health Care; 4) Adhering to Healthy Behavior; 5) Defining & Measuring Stress; 6) Stress, Disease, and Coping; 7) Understanding and Managing Pain; 8) Living with Chronic Illness.


Course Policies

As you all know, cheating and plagiarism are not a part of academic integrity. If you cheat or plagiarize, you are very likely to get a point of "zero (0)" for that exam/assignment.

In this class, academic honesty will be highly valued; so cite any work that doesn't belong to you!

The instructor is committed to create a classroom atmosphere in which students’ experiences and views are treated with equal respect. Students in this course are expected to use inclusive language and show respect for all people within the university community.

Students with disability who require specialized support are advised to contact the instructor for discussion of their needs.




Topics & Reading

Week 1



Getting to know each other, overview of the syllabus

Introduction to health psychology    Brannon et al., Chapter 1

Week 2



Introduction to health psychology    Brannon et al., Chapter 1

Stigma, Inequality and Health

Week 3



Presentations (Topic 1)

Research in Health Psychology    Brannon et al., Chapter 2

Week 4



Research in Health Psychology    Brannon et al., Chapter 2

Presentations (Topic 2)

Week 5



Seeking and Receiving Health Care –

Brannon Chapter 3; Taylor Chapter 8

Week 6



Republic Day => No class!

Presentations (Topic 3)

Week 7



Adhering to Healthy Behavior –

Brannon Chapter 4; Taylor Chapter 9

Week 8



Presentations (Topic 4)

MIDTERM EXAM (Class hour)

Week 9



Defining & Measuring Stress -

 Brannon et al., Chapter 5

Week 10



Presentations (Topic 5)

Stress, Disease, and Coping    Brannon et al., Chapter 6

Week 11



Stress, Disease, and Coping    Brannon et al., Chapter 6

Presentations (Topic 6)

Week 12



Understanding and Managing Pain –

Brannon Chapter 7; Taylor Chapter 10

Week 13



Presentations (Topic 7)

Living with Chronic Illness Brannon Chapter 11; Taylor Chapter 11

Week 14



Presentations (Topic 8)


FINAL EXAMS 02-13 JANUARY 2019: Date to be announced

* May be subjected to change.